fPserver Unix distribution

    The first step is to extract fPserver files and run fpserver/finish.
    See Readme_fpserver for instructions.  If you don't have a proper 
    version of java2 installed you will be informed and told which java 
    package to install.  The java2 installation varies depending on the 
    platform you are running.  There are separate Readme_javaPLATFORM & 
    java2jre2_PLATFORM.tar files for each platform supported.

    Once fPserver is installed you should extract and install fPclient.  
    There are two versions of fPclient.  fPclient.gz is for Unix, while 
    fPclient.zip is for windows.

    You should read the appropriate Readme file prior to attempting an 

    Below is a list of all files in the Unix distribution along with an
    explanation of the purpose of each.


    Readme_1st       - This Readme file.

    Readme_fpserver  - The instructions for installing and configuring

    Readme_fpclient  - The instructions for installing and configuring

    Readme_javaOSR5  - Instructions for installing java2 on Open Server 5.

    Readme_javaUW710 - Instructions for installing java2 on UnixWare7.1.0.

    Readme_javaUW711 - Instructions for installing java2 on UnixWare7.1.1.

    Readme_javaLinux - Instructions for installing java2 on Linux.

    fPclient.gz      - A gzipped tar file for installing fPclient on Open
                       Server, UnixWare and Linux..

    fPclient.zip     - A winzip file for installing fPclient on Windows PC.

    fPserver.gz      - A gzipped tar file for installing fPserver on Open
                       Server, UnixWare and Linux.

    gethostip.gz     - A gzipped file containing a java class file and unix
                       script for quickly finding your machine's IP address.

    gzipOSR5.tar     - A tar file containing gzip and gunzip for Open Server.

    gzipUW7.tar      - A tar file containing gzip and gunzip for UnixWare7.

 java2jre2_Linux.tar - A tar file containing a Self-Extracting install for 
                       java2 on Linux.

 java2jre2_RPM.tar   - A tar file containing an RPM install for java2 on  

 java2jre2_OSR5.tar  - A tar file containing all files required to install
                       java2 on Open Server 5.

 java2jre2_UW710.tar - A tar file containing all files required to install
                       java2 on UnixWare7.1.0.

 java2jre2_UW711.tar - A tar file containing all files required to install
                       java2 on UnixWare7.1.1.