Encryption Methods (not included in filePro Lite)

In general the choice of one encryption method over another has more to do with bid requirements or compatibility than it does with the merits of the method.


The encryption methods supplied are:


  1. Blowfish - developed by Bruce Schneier as a replacement for

  2. Twofish - an earlier method developed by Bruce Schneier DES - one of the AES competition finalists

  3. AES - Advanced Encryption Standard - the latest government standard - chosen via an open submission/discussion/analysis process

  4. Rijndael - the same as AES (rijndael is the method chosen for AES)

  5. DES - Data Encryption Standard - the previous government standard 3DES - DES with a key size three times as large

  6. Safer+ - another AES submission developed by Cylink Corporation

  7. RC2 - developed by Ron Rivest for RSA Security


Additional References:

Blowfish - http://www.schneier.com/blowfish.html

Twofish - http://www.schneier.com/twofish.html

Safer+ - http://csrc.nist.gov/CryptoToolkit/aes/round1/conf1/saferpls-slides.pdf

AES/Rijndael - http://csrc.nist.gov/CryptoToolkit/aes/rijndael/

DES - http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip46-2.htm

3DES - http://csrc.nist.gov/cryptval/des/tripledesval.html

RC2 - http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2249