Adding New Terminal Types

Before adding a new terminal type, check the /appl/fp/termcap file to find a similar terminal type or one that is reasonably close to your terminal type. You can then copy the similar terminal type to a new name in the termcap file so that you don't have to start from scratch when adding a new terminal type. Check your terminal's manual to find the proper sequences for each code.

Note: Case is significant when writing or editing termcap files.

Refer to the " Termcap Function Codes" and " Termcap Graphic Codes " tables for codes to be set equal to the strings of keys that filePro sends to the terminal for each function. These first sets of codes are standard entries and listed for your convenience.

The " filePro Plus Codes " and " Key Label Codes " tables list special codes related to filePro. The " Key Label Codes " table, starting with " LO ", directly correspond to the " P " series codes. These codes tell filePro what to display in the screen prompts for each of the corresponding " P " series codes.

A typical termcap definition starts with comment lines and a title. Then the codes are added with the applicable sequences. The following is an example for a LINUX termcap definition.


# Termcap for LINUX created on 02/05/2000


linux|clinux|Linux Console:\









:L0=F1:L1=F2:L2=F3:L3=F4:L4=ESC ESC:L5=F5:\

:L6=Pg Up:L7=Pg Dn:L8=ESC TAB:L9=TAB:LA=Ctrl-O:\







For more information, see the section in your operating system manual or a WebSite that describes preparing or revising termcap entries.