Alias Filename Assignment


Then: COMMAND alias = filename <options>


Commands that access files, such as IMPORT, EXPORT and LOOKUP, let you give these files "alias" (assigned) names. From the point that the assignment is made, the file (and its fields) MUST be referred to by the alias instead of the real filename.


Then: lookup cust=customers r=free -e

The alias name "cust" must now be used to reference this file and the fields in it. The processing table will not recognize the real filename after an alias has been assigned.

Then: lookup cust=oldcusts k=1 i=a -nx

If: not cust

Then: show "@"{Customer"<1<"is not in the archive file." ; end

The alias name (just like a real filename) may be used as a positive or negative test for whether any lookup finds a match.

Then: export ASCII epp="C:\tmp\epayplan" -X

The alias "epp" would now be used to reference this file.

IMPORTANT: If the line on which an assignment is being made has not been executed at least once, you can not refer to it elsewhere on the table. After the assignment line has been executed just once, you can refer to the assignment above or below that point on the table.