Defining an Output Format

We will now design an output format for this file. This will let us send the contents of this file to the printer.

Select 3 - Define Output.


(See, the pesky "file name" prompt did NOT show up! It knows we are working in the "vidcust" file.)

Choose [NEW].


Enter the following.


filePro allows you to define several different kinds of output. We will be building a simple "report" type output. The records will be shown several per page. Reports can carry totals and subtotals of records on the report. (Other kinds of output are "forms" and "labels". The "form" type usually shows one record per page and does not provide for subtotaling and totaling of the records. The "label" type prints records in label format, in multiple columns if desired.)

Select 1 - A report.


The following screen appears:


Change the default settings as follows: (You can press F6 to see a list of printers and printer types.)


NOTE:  version 5.8.03  When browsing printers in Options for output formats, filePro now shows only valid printers. Pressing F6

again will display the complete printer and printer type list as it did in previous version. F6 will toggle

between the two lists.


Form filtering version 5.8.02


Press ESC to save your work.

The following screen appears blank. Fill it in as shown:


Press ESC to save your work on this screen.

The following screen appears:


Enter the following text and fields:


We do not have enough room on this default report format to put the things we want, so it is necessary to change the shape of the format somewhat. We will "grow" it a little.

Press the F8 key.


From this options popup screen, choose G.

This will turn ON the "grow mode". Note this fact is displayed by the word GROW in reverse video at the bottom right corner of the screen.


While in grow mode, the F3 and F4 keys work to add lines to, or remove lines from the form. We can literally gain lines of space in any section.

Make sure your cursor is in the Heading/Title Lines section and press F3 key two times. This will add two lines. The screen should look as follows:


Turn Off grow mode by pressing F8 and choosing G again. This option is a toggle. It is either ON or OFF.

Be careful, when not in grow mode, the F3 and F4 keys will add and remove BLANK lines. Any text or fields on the lines will move down or up accordingly. You can easily push whole lines of text and fields off the bottom of the format.

While you are in update mode on an output format, you can view the file layout by pressing F6.

Press F6.


Use this map layout listing frequently to refresh your memory as to field names, numbers and lengths. (Press F5 while on this view to see lengths.)

Press Return and enter the following text and fields as shown:


Draw a line on this format by using the "box" functions. Put your cursor at position 6,2 (note the cursor position is shown on the bottom left corner of the screen.) This will initiate the box functions and show you a cross-bar symbol where your cursor was placed.

The screen should look like this.


To draw the line, position your cursor at 6,77 (the cross-bar will not move, but the cursor will) and press D to draw the line.

The screen will look like this:


Just as in Define Screens, filePro lets you "resolve the fields" to see how they will actually fit on the format. Use the F8 options popup to select this function.

Press F8 for the options screen, and then press R to resolve the fields on this output format.


The screen should look like this:


Remember that you can use the F6 key to see the fields and from there the F5 key to see the lengths and edits of the fields. Use a combination of F6/F5 and F8/R to line up any output format exactly the way you want it.

Press X to exit to resume editing, and when done editing, press ESC to save your report.

Press X to exit back to the filePro Main Menu.