Environment Variables - Path


Overrides default path for config where the default path is /fp/lib/config.

Version Ref: 4.8


Drive letter for the "/filePro" directory.

Version Ref: 1.0


Sets drive where filePro data files are located.

Version Ref: 1.0

Example: /hd1 (UNIX) or C: (Windows).

Also see: fppath


Path for the "/filePro" directory.

Also see: fppath

Version Ref: 1.0


Sets the path to the directory where a file to downloaded to a printer resides. PFDLDIR is used with %"filename" print code.

Version Ref: 4.1


Identifies data drives. Overrides PFIGN. Do not use drive Z: on Windows OS since this drive letter is reserved for use in some systems such as Novell so is ignored by filePro.

Version Ref: 3.0


Sets the file to use as the global edits table. The file must reside in fp/lib directory and should contain the edits from the original global edits file. Note: The file name must be an acceptable Windows or UNIX path with the file name.

Version Ref: 4.1

Default: filePro uses default global edits file in the lib directory, " edits " .

Example: PFGLOB=/appl/fp/lib/myedits will use file named "myedits" instead of the default filename "edits" as the global edits table.


Drives to ignore. (Windows only)

Version Ref: 1.0

Default: All drives are scanned for data directories

Example: PFIGN=AB tells filePro to ignore drives A and B when looking for data.

NOTE: Where possible, use PFDSK rather then PFIGN.


Set path for user menus.

Version Ref: 4.1


Identifies the path for the PERL executable used for PERL scripts in menus.

Version Ref: 5.0

Allow dmakemenu to create Perl scripts, not just shell scripts.  If you have Perl on your system, these scripts can be portable, even between Windows and Unix.  You mark the script as Perl by preceding the "/fp/menus/menuname.-x" command with "++".  (You have to add this mark manually at the moment.)  This will execute the script via "perl scriptname".  You can set the environment variable PFPERL to point to the executable (ie: PFPERL=c:\bin\perl.exe) if it's not in the PATH.  Further, you can use any environment variable to point to any command processor by placing the name of the environment variable that points to the executable between the "+" signs.  For example, "+MYSHELL+/fp/menus/menuname.-3" will use the program pointed to by the MYSHELL environment variable.



Path to the "/fp" directory.

Default: blank, so " fp " is appended to nothing and /fp or \fp becomes filePro program directory.

Sets the path to the " fp " directory, where filePro programs are located. Used by appending " fp " to the contents of the variable.

Version Ref: 1.0

Example: set PFPROG=C:\fpdemo would look for filePro program files in C:\fpdemo\fp

 Also see: fppath


Tells filePro where to place temporary files when sorting and selecting records in Request Output and Index Maintenance.

Version Ref: 1.0

NOTE: The specified directory must already exits.

Default: under Windows, same directory as file ’ s map. Under UNIX, /tmp.