Version Ref:  4.8 (not included in filePro Lite)



The :ZZ flag is available for every HTML command, to allow you to add your own attributes to the command such as event processing statements etc. It takes a comma-separated list.



HTML "1" :AN :HR "#name" :ZZ "target=_top", "onMouseOver()='foo()'", foo=bar"


Generates <A HREF="#name" target=_top onMouseOver='foo()' foo=bar>

If you do not specify optional text right after the :AN code, you must close the anchor with an HTML :AN- command. If you specify option text, filePro will automatically insert the </A> code after the optional text. A simple processing table used to manually create a "Hi There document" follows:


HTML Sample

If: ' Create hithere.htm document

Then: HTML "1" :CR "hithere.htm" :TI "Hi There"


If: ' Start Body

Then: HTML "1" :BO


If: ' Header1 Text Line

Then: HTML "1" :H1 "Hi There America!"


If: ' Close Document

Then: HTML "1" :CL
