When installing filePro Plus on a multi-user *NIX systems such as AIX, LINUX and UNIX, it creates a termcap (terminal capabilities) file in the /appl/fp directory. This file includes "tables" of keys available on the terminals you could be using. The filePro programs look for the applicable keys in the tables and uses them for screen prompts and to determine what sequences should be sent for the keys that are pressed.
For example, since NCR 7901 terminal's cancel key is [Rub Out], the message at the bottom of the screen in filePro update mode appears as "Press Rub Out to Cancel".
However, since we cannot do the same in the manual, we use IBM's name for the keys such as [Ctrl][Break] instead of [ Del] . To translate, see the key tables in the next topics of this reference. To display the keys used for your terminal press [Esc][?] . Use [ Alt ] [ F10 ] to display the "Key Table" on Windows systems.
Note: When pressing [ ESC ] [ ? ] while in Inquire/Update/Add (clerk), it will display your licensed User Count.
If your terminal isn't listed in the following topics, it may have been added afterwards and may still be listed in the /appl/fp/termcap file. If not in the termcap file, you must change /appl/fp/termcap to include your termcap. See the instructions in "Adding New Terminal Types".