The MSGBOX and ERRORBOX commands are essentially the same thing. You would only use one over the other for the sake of giving users a consistent look and feel to your program. The MSGBOX and ERRORBOX can be assigned different color schemes. By this color scheme, the user knows immediately that he is seeing an ERROR or not. Each command can take input from the user and allow only a special group of keys as acceptable responses. The syntax for these boxes is:


       MSGBOX(r,c) message,prompt,keylist


This means you can not only give a message to the user, but prompt him with special instructions (like what keys he may press in response, and you can disallow any other keypresses. Something like this:


errorbox("5","5") "You forgot the payment. Enter it now? ","Y=yes,L=later,C=Cancel ",YLC


The message appears inside the box. The prompt on the bottom edge of the box, and the allowable responses go into a space provided on the bottom line by filePro.


You can make MSGBOX and ERRORBOX very elaborate with \r codes for reverse video (just as in SHOW and INPUT statements). You may also use \n to generate a "newline" within the boxed message. All the SHOW codes work inside MSGBOX and ERRORBOX.