The following listing shows, which print controls, have precedence. The highest on the list are PRINT commands on processing tables as these are the last thing to run before the output is sent wherever it is going, the spooler, a file, etc. The next highest priority is what is specified on the command line, i.e., "-p /tmp/filename" will override all settings (except print commands in processing). PFPRT will override any of the lower print directives, but will be overridden by the two above it, and so forth. Using this logic, you can set a group of defaults for your users and most standard reports, yet override these conventions at will by using any of the higher options. The best choice for most filePro output is to designate where it should "normally" go directly on the options page of the output format. User's can generally be well directed with a PFSPOOL command. Again, special print jobs can be directed with PFPRT/C or -p on the command line.
Print command in processing
Command line options
Printer designated on output format
PFPRINTER (default filePro printer)
PRINTER1 (default filePro printer, if no default printer)
PFSPOOL (default if no default printer destination)
Default system spooler "lp -s"