Version Ref: 6.1 (USP 6.1.01)


ret = QRCODE(str, dest [, size [, logo [, fg [, bg]]]])

Create a QR Code from a text string.

str is the text to store in the QR code.

dest is the full name and path to the QR code to be generated.

size is the size of the QR code to be generated in pixels. Must be large enough to store the full QR code.

logo is an optional logo to place in the center of the QR code.

fg is the foreground color of the QR code in hexadecimal.

bg is the background color of the QR code in hexadecimal.

Returns the size of the generated QR code, or -1 on error.

 Then: ret=QRCODE("fptech.com","/tmp/website.png")