XX = READOUTPUT(filename,formatname [, section])
where "filename" is the name of the filePro file, "formatname" is the output format name and section (optional) is the type of information you want returned.
Version Ref: 4.8 (not included in filePro Lite)
5.0 (Enhanced)
READOUTPUT returns the portions of an output format.
Section parameter options include:
0 = Returns the text portion of the output format, convertnig graphics characters to "+-|".
1 = Returns the text portion of the output format but returns graphics characters as-is e.g. (0x00-0x0A).
2 = Returns the text portion of the output format but returns graphics characters as spaces.
3 = Returns only the graphics characters, as "+-|" text.
4 = Returns only the graphics characters, as-is.
5 = Returns size information of the format, as a list of colon-separated 3-digit values as "nnn:nnn:nnn: " consisiting of:
width, length, type, # across the page, # down page, # of header lines, # of footer lines (always zero), # of data lines, # of lines per subtotal/grandtotal break.
Notes :
Codes 3 through 5 were added as a version 5.0 enhancement. For codes 3 and 4, all regular text is returned as spaces.
If no section is specified, the default section is "0".
If the output format cannot be read (ie. Doesn't exist) then a null value is returned.