
Unique ID - The field selected to the unique ID must be an integer type. The value in the field will be used as @RN within filePro. This is not yet enforced.


Use of filePro Automatic Indexes - Automatic indexes cannot be properly maintained when updating the ODBC files using other applications such as MS Access, SQL 2000 Server, etc. since the filePro indexes are not updated by these applications. Suggest using Demand indexes if they can be applied or use the Low-level implementation method.


Wide_Character Fields - There appears to be a bug in Microsoft ’ s ODBC library related to fixed-length wide-character ODBC fields, where the last character is not returned. For example, in SQL Server if you define a field of type " nchar " and length 5, and the field contains " ABCDE " , only " ABCD " will be returned by the ODBC library. Note that " nvarchar " (variable-length wide-character) fields do not appear to have this problem.


Currency Fields - filePro currently cannot save records from a Microsoft Access database that has a " currency " type field.


Column Limits - There is an undocumented(?) limit of 255 columns for Microsoft's MFC "CRecordset" class for accessing ODBC data sources. This limit is manifested as an "Assertion failure" error when using "Define Files", "Inquire/Update/Add", etc. when the table is more than 255 columns