System Requirements


Windows Network

Windows XP or later.

RAM: 48 MB

Disk Space: 70 MB

If you are running Windows XP or later, the minimum RAM requirements for Windows will usually allow you to run filePro applications satisfactorily. Additional RAM may be required for Peer-to-Peer Network Servers to achieve acceptable performance for filePro if the machine designated as the filePro file Server is also used as a workstation and/or provides other services such as printing, FAX services, etc.


RAM: 64 MB

Disk Space: 50 MB

Note: RAM requirements will depend on how many simultaneous connections are expected, other server tasks and the demands placed on the server for your application. If you experience performance problems, additional memory may help.



RAM: 96 MB

Disk Space: 10 MB

Note: RAM requirements will depend on how many simultaneous connections are expected, other server tasks and the demands placed on the server for your application. If you experience performance problems, additional memory may help.


fileProGI Client

Windows XP or later


Video: SVGA capable of at least 800x600 pixels.

Disk Space: 50 MB