The filePro Plus Main Menu

Inquire, Update, Add (IUA)




NOTE: Depending on your version of filePro, the menu examples may not look exactly the same as those pictured.

From the filePro Plus Main Menu, Select B—Inquire, Update, Add.

filePro will then prompt you for a filename. In our example, we will be using the "rolodex" file.


NOTE : You may see a different set of filenames on your screen, or only the filename "rolodex". It is unimportant how many files exist when you are choosing a particular file; you need only to choose the one you will be working with.




You can choose a file in a variety of ways. You may use the arrow keys to move the highlighted bar to the desired selection and press ENTER . Or, you can type in a part of the desired choice until the cursor "automatically" moves to it, then press ENTER . Choose rolodex.

At this point, filePro will ask you which screen number you wish to access.




For "Enter Screen Number", Select 1.


The following is the primary menu for locating and updating filePro files. It is called the INQUIRE, UPDATE, ADD menu.




Select 3 to add records.


We will enter several records. When you are done with each full screen, press ESC to save your work. filePro will automatically present you with a new blank record. This is because you chose 3 (Add Records Mode). filePro thinks you want to keep adding records until you tell it that you want to stop. You do this by pressing BREAK instead of ESC.


§ The BREAK key on Windows systems is Control-C. (Hold down Ctrl and while holding it down, press C).


§ On a Unix system, the BREAK key is usually listed as DELETE, and the keyboard key so designated performs the BREAK function filePro needs. The BREAK key on Linux usually defaults to Ctrl-C the same as Windows.

It is important that you do not prematurely press BREAK since your records will not be saved until pressing ESC. Do NOT confuse the DELETE key with "deleting" records from your file. These are two completely different functions.




When you add the following sample records, your entries may go onto different record numbers than those shown in the pictures. This might happen if you press ESC too many times, or make a mistake and start over. Not to worry, as this will not affect your work. (Record number is an internally assigned number that filePro uses in certain instances. Users do not often need to use this number.)


Enter the following data, using the enter key to change between fields.

Robin Hakan


777 Lucky Way

Penthouse, NJ 07436-0777

Home: (201) 422-3333

Work: (201) 422-4444

Fax: (201) 422-5555

Company: The Valor Group

Email home:

Email work:

Notes: Good looking, filePro programmer likes brownies


If you need to return to a field, use the arrow keys. When done, it should resemble this:




Press ESC to record, and continue to add the next 2 records.

Remember, when you press ESC after entering your data, filePro will automatically bring you to the next blank record. This is normal. You did not lose anything. filePro merely stored the previous record and is presenting you with a chance to add another record.


Fill in the next few records, pressing ESC when you complete each.


Mark Farmer

200 Willow Drive

Paterson NJ 07555

Home: 427-2928

Notes: carpenter, has truck, father’s name is Al


Sally Smith

44 Jones Blvd

Washington DC 22722-4444

Home: (800) 444 4444

Work: (800) 444 1234

Company: Rand Corporation

Email Home:

Email Work:

Notes: WIN95 wizard, filePro expert, likes brownies


After you fill in the final record, press ESC .

You should now be on a blank record.




Press CTRL-C (BREAK) to exit from Add Records Mode.

The prompts at the bottom of the screen will change to look like the following screen.




You can press X to return to the IUA, or "clerk", menu. From there we can look for the records we just added.