Using Help

There are many hyperlinks in the filePro Full Reference Manual. They will stay on your screen until you press ESCAPE, press ENTER, or click the left mouse button. There are also many hyperlink jumps . These are secondary HELP screens that will appear on top of your primary window (depends on the Help version you are using). They have scroll bars and look very much like your primary HELP window. Read them and then close the jump window as you normally would close any secondary window. Do not lose your place on the primary topic by maximizing one of these secondary windows. It is also important to understand that these jumps are usually extra reference material and may be much more advanced in content than what you are studying. If this is true, just close the window and keep reading where you are. You can always find these resources later.

To go to the next sub-topic within a topic, use the >> button in the Help Menu bar. To go to previous topics, use the << button. If one of the buttons is not lit up, you are at one end or the other within that topic and should probably press Help Topics to choose the next (or previous) images\File0000.gif topic.

Viewing Problems:

The text quality and size is dependent on your system video configuration and various other factors such as viewer/browser preferences. For the Windows version, you can change the font size by selecting "Options" and then "Font" to change to a larger or smaller font. For the HTML versions, check your viewer/browser settings and adjust settings to see what gives you the best results.

Plain HTML versions of fPManual - This version uses a style sheet "styles.css" and is the primary manual release.