
Then: xx = WORDWRAP( text, width [ ,options ] )


where "text" is the text to be word-wrapped, width is the number

of characters to be included per line and options are as follows.


 0 - Return the word-wrapped text as-is, excluding any hard returns. (default)

 1 - Return the text with trailing spaces removed.

 2 - Return the text as-is, including any hard return at the end.


Return value

Returns the number of lines that will result for the given

field or expression for the specified width per line.


Notes:   Also see @WORDWRAP[]


Version Ref:  5.6




Then: dim wraptext(999)

Then: xx = WORDWRAP(9,"70","1"); c(3,.0)="1"



If: c lt xx

Then: wraptext(c) = @WORDWRAP(c); c=c+"1"; goto Loop

Then: end