The currently highlighted browse lookup row.
System maintained fields, @sn, @fd and @br are for use mainly on the INPUT processing tables. However, they are available on output processing tables as well, but they will always be equal to null on these tables. This may be used to advantage.
You have an AUTOMATIC table that does things for you during Inquire, Update and Add, but it has no value when running output formats, and shouldn't be used. (Or it only does things related to INPUT processing and would just be a waste of time to run during an OUTPUT process. You can prevent the AUTOMATIC table from running during output processing by putting the following code on the first line of the AUTOMATIC table. No code after this line will run during OUTPUT, but there is always a "screen-name" during INPUT, so the rest of the AUTOMATIC table will run then.
If: @sn eq "" 'if there is no screen
Then: end 'don't go any further.
Then: 'other automatic table functions