To launch fileProGI, simply click on the fileProGI icon that the installation process put on you windows desktop:
The initial Log on screens will appear:
Before you log on for the first time, you must make sure that fileProGI is pointed to the right IP address and port number of the GIserver/filePro server. Click on the Setup Configuration button and set the connection options.
Make sure that the IP address and port number match the GIserver's IP address and port #. The example shown is for a local GIserver installation and then click on the OK button. You will be returned to the LOGON screen.
If you decide not to Log on, click on the Exit button:
If you want to log on to fileProGI, click on the Log On button
The User ID & Password screen will appear. Enter your assigned User ID and Password and either hit the Enter key or click on OK:
The fileProGI Runtime Menu will then appear:
Note: If the fileProGI Runtime Menu does not appear, you probably have a wrong IP address /Port number or GIserver has not been launched. Launch GIserver (noting any errors) and try launching fileProGI again. If the problem persists, check your connectivity by pinging the applicable IP address or refer to troubleshooting procedures for GIserver.