(Windows) #1016 ddefine did not allow filenames with "." in Windows
(Linux) #1018 showlock did not display all locked records Linux
(All) #1026 Only one index was deleted when selecting multiple indexes in ddir/dprodir
(All) #1072 - enhancement GETENV("PFREADONLY") will now return "ON" if the "-ro" flag is used, even if not set in the environment.
(Quickstart) #1075 If you have a label "foo" and another "foo-bar" (ie: the same prefix, with a hyphen and a suffix added), references to "foo-bar" would refer to "foo" if "foo" occurs earler in the processing. (All) #1068 If you had something following the "b=(expression)" part of a browse lookup which "looks" like part of a valid expression, filePro would take that as part of the "b=(expression)" part of the browse lookup. For example: lookup foo k=xx i=a -nx b=(brwhead&brwdata) *2" (If, for example, you were to edit the lookup line to remove a literal browse lookup, and missed the trailing "*2".)
(All) #1021 In dcabe, if you load a processing table with a DECLARE GLOBAL and syntax check it, and then load and syntax check another processing table which has the same DECLARE GLOBAL name, but a different definition, you would get an "already defined" warning.
(All) #1040 EXIT in @ONCE processing didn't exit *report.
(Linux) #974 Website didn't allow license to be downloaded when using Domain Name as the license check value for Linux systems.
(All) #975 The following flags have been added to swapcpu: -Q = Quiet mode. Suppresses "file already in destination order". -CN = Convert to native byte order. -CF = Convert to foreign byte order.
(All) #977 swapcpu didn't swap the "blob" file.
(All) #982 PFMBTO only caused the first message box to time out. All subsequent message boxes still required Enter.
(Windows) #1016 On Windows, ddefine did not allow you to create or access files with a dot in the filename.
(Linux) #1071 On some systems, a fresh filePro install would fail with "fatal error check current user count: invalid argument".
(All) #1077 filePro 5.6 is now available on FreeBSD.
(All) #1088 Calling READLINE() with an uncast dummy field, which has never been assigned a value, and not including a maximum length, could crash filePro.
(All) #1099 There was a memory leak in nested CALLs which has been fixed.
(All) #1100 Under some circumstances, filePro would not use the available free space in the blob file for new blobs/memos, causing the blob file to grow larger than needed. Note that the updated blobfix utility can be used to "fix" this, and shrink the blob file to the "correct" size.
(All) #1101 If you have a lookup to a file that has an automatic index built on an associated field group, but the lookup is not on that index, it was possible for filePro to crash.
(All) #1102 Executing a LOOKUP in a processing table, CALLing another table which executes a LOOKUP to the same file, and then CLOSEs that lookup, can cause filePro to crash and/or give unusual errors upon re-executing the LOOKUP in the original processing table.
(Linux) #1103 The Linux distribution included an old "lib/rename" utility, which wouldn't run on some current Linux distributions.
(*nix) #1014 User-count debug logging can now be controlled via the new config variable "PFCHKUSER=logfilename".
(All) xfer now handles the blob file.
(*nix) filePro could crash in some debugging modes of the system environment variable MALLOC_CHECKS.
(*nix) #1070/#1096/#1097/#1098 Some places in filePro didn't properly require double-break.
(*nix) Debug versions hard-coded the user-count logging filename. This is now controlled with PFCHKUSER=logfilename.
(All) OPENDIR() could crash if given a directory with thousands of files, all in alphabetical order.
(All) If a user menu's title and version number filled the space allotted, filePro could crash.
(*nix) On some *nix systems, DEL (when not used as the Break key) would not be treated as a backspace.