5.0.06 Release Notes



xfer now includes the necessary "-m xxx" flag in the buildix

script to rebuild qualified indexes.



The "PageUp/PageDown/F5" prompts are now shown in dxmaint/*report

on the sort screen's field listing.



F9/goto in config editor will now accept line number as well as text.



If you scrolled down in the config editor while just viewing, and then

entered update mode, you were returned to line 1.



When the number of print codes was increased to 9999, pmaint no longer

allowed you to type "END" for F9/goto.



Add F8/Options to *cabe, to allow setting of the processing password.



When using F8/Save, the new prc table will have the same prc password

as the source table.



fPcopy didn't copy blob files.



You can now do a COntains compare on memo fields.



HTML :TX can now take a memo field.



"READONLY" flag added to MEMO nnn EDIT:


 MEMO nnn EDIT [ (row,col,height,width [,startrow,startcol] ) ]




When creating a new file in ddefine with BLOB or MEMO fields, the

blob file wouldn't get created.


#279 (native windows only)

On some systems, the text-mode mouse cursor would be enabled while

running filePro full-screen.



Temporarily remove the F8/options box from dxmaint when building

demand indexes, as the options don't work (yet) with them.




*cabe's F9/Goto will now find multiple occurrances of a string on the

same line. (And fixes the "not found" problem introduced in .05K1)




Duplicate DECLAREs are now caught in *cabe.




Browse lookups which had both "k=(expr)" and "b=(expr)" would not

work correctly. (Internally, filePro got the "k=" and "b=" values



#34 (native windows)


When using "WIN:printername" as a destination, FORMM left the spooler

in limbo.



Add PRINTER FLUSH command, which flushes any printer buffers within




New system array, @UNAME[], which returns the system uname() info:


 [1] = sysname

 [2] = nodename

 [3] = release

 [4] = version

 [5] = machine


For Windows systems, the following values are returned:


 sysname: One of: "Win9x", "WinNT", or "Windows" (if type cannot

   be determined)

 nodename: the value from GetComputerName()

 release: major.minor.build (for example "4.10.1998" for Win98)

 version: the szCSDVersion from GetVersionEx()

 machine: blank


For *nix systems, see your O/S manual for details on each field's



#280 (native windows only)


Restructure of files in ddefine would fail at the freespace check

if PFDSK was set to more than one drive.


#268 (native windows only)


SHOW on row 25 did not display anything.




Variables DECLAREd in sort/select processing were not properly

retained for the output phase in quickstart.




rreport could lose some printer setup information after executing

a PRINTER FILE command. (Symptom: no end-of-line generated at

page boundaries.)




After doing an F9/text-search in *cabe and finding text that's not

at the beginning of the line, using F9/goto a line number (or "END")

would not position the cursor at the beginning of the line.




MESSAGE SEND would crash filePro.




@PD and @PC increased to 80 characters, to match pmaint.




If a CALL has been executed, then using "E"xpressions in the processing

debugger may not recognize all variable/lookup names. Only occurs if

the CALLed processing table has fewer symbols than the table being





Within automatic processing, when scrolling through a file, memo

fields would always compare to null, even if filled in with text.


(Native windows) #300


"WIN:printername" syntax caused the printer init code to be sent

with each form printed to FORMM command.




Configuration editor F9/search enhanced so that you can go to a

specific line by typing its line number, and you can search for

numbers by typing a quote as the first character. (Same as *cabe's





Add PFLOOKWIZPROT=ON to change the lookup wizard's "protect record"

default to "Y".




New STATUS object allows you to save/return the status of: break,

cursor, video, escape, and background. Allows subroutines to enable or

disable these items, and then restore them to their original state.


 handle = NEW STATUS()

 STATUS handle GET

 STATUS handle SET


#355 (native windows only)


Windows ME and/or 2000 appears to not beep when a ctrl-G is output from

a console application. Change the native windows version to use the

MessageBeep() API call instead.


#N/A (fileProGI only)


A new TITLE verb is added to the MEMO EDIT and MEMO SHOW commands, to

allow a title to be specified for the window. Currently, only the

fileProGI client will display the title.




 MEMO memofld EDIT (row,col) TITLE "Last updated: " < @UD




The "-pq" list no longer interprets backslash codes, so that you can

have printer comments like "Send to \\server\printer".



Adding more than 100 lines to a memo field in the non-wrapping editor

could crash filePro.



PFSKIPPEDLOG=filename would crash *report.


#219 (fileProGI only)


Cursor path is now enforced within the GUI environment.

PFFORCECURSORPATH=OFF turns off forced cursor pathing logic.


#N/A (native windows only)


PFSHOWWINERROR=ON shows value of GetLastError() when system error



#N/A (native windows only)


Some system errors didn't display the correct error message text.



PFREFRESHRATE=nnn sets the screen refresh rate during sort/select and

output phases in dxmaint/*report to once every "nnn" seconds. (default=1)



If you CHAIN from a processing table with a DECLARE GLOBAL, and then

CHAIN back, the value of that variable was lost upon return.


#N/A (fileProGI only)

New command "CURSOR PATH ON|OFF" to give programmer ability to turn off

forced cursor pathing in GUI.



If you are building an index, and you have a duplicate key that spans

several blocks, and the last block is exactly filled, and you insert a

new key that comes between that multi-key and the next key, it was

possible for dxmaint to crash. (Though it appears to only have crashed

if running under fileProGI.)



Pressing F2/DELC at the end of a line in the memo editor now joins the

lines together by deleting the end-of-line marker.



If you have a memo that is smaller than the memo editor window, and you

start inserting blank lines with Enter in insert mode, then when the

memo reached the height of the editor window, it would crash.



New *clerk flags:


 -de Turns off @entsel prompts, but leaves update mode prompts.

 -du Turns off update mode prompts, but leaves @entsel prompts.



New environment variable PFNEWSK=ON (default: OFF) allows new @SK

values to be seen by processing. Specifically, the only one right now

is "MOUS", which will be seen as "ENTR" otherwise. (Lots of processing

tables depend on certain values in @SK in order to function. If an

unknown value is set, the cursor won't leave the field or will behave

in undesired ways.)


A new system field will be assigned later, which will always contain

the "real" keystroke value.



Manipulating memo fields within a lookup file could crash quikstart.



In *clerk, if you press F6 on a field with no browse lookup, and the

press BREAK when asked if you want to create one, you were taken out

of update mode, rather than just cancel the brwlook create.



If you have an index with a duplicate key that requires more than one

block in the index, and add a record whose key comes immediately after

that duplicate key, and then continue adding records with the duplicate

key, while not adding any other key between it and the first key of the

next node in the tree, so that it no longer fits into the same block,

the parent node's pointers were not properly updated.


This could lead to a "deleted key not found" error.



DOS/Windows version of fpcopy, when renaming a file with blobs, would

fail to move the blob file to the new directory.


(Native windows) #499

Native windows version would sometimes see two spaces when you pressed

the spacebar once.



Hardcopying a screen in *clerk, when the printer destination was set

to the screen (ie: with "-pv") would produce a blank screen.