Version Ref: 6.1 (USP 6.0.02)




 e = XL_ADD_DT(date, time [, style [, sheet [, row [, col]]]])
	Combine two fields into a single spreadsheet datetime field and insert it as
	a new cell in the XLSX document.

	Parameters -
		date  : filePro date field.
		time  : filePro time field.
		style : Handle to style to be used for this cell. Use blank to use the
		        default style.
		sheet : Handle to sheet to insert the cell on. Use blank, "0", or "-1"
		        to use the default sheet.
		row   : Row to place the cell (0 indexed).
		col   : Column to place the cell (0 indexed).

	Returns "1" on success and "-1" on error. XL_ERROR() can be called to return
	the last error.