Version Ref: 6.1 (USP 6.0.02)




 handle = XL_CHARTSHEET(type [, title [, xname [, yname [, stylenum]]]])
	Add a new chartsheet to the XLSX document. A chartsheet is a full chart that
	occupies its own sheet and cannot contain any cells.

	Parameters -
		type     : Type of chart to create. Must be one of the following values.
		title    : The title for this chart.
		xname    : The title for the x-axis.
		yname    : The title for the y-axis.
		stylenum : Number of the built in Excel style to use. Must be between
		           "1" and "48". The default style is 2. The value is one of
		           the 48 built-in styles available on the "Design" tab in
		           Excel 2007.

	Returns a handle to a new chartsheet object on successs and "-1" on
	error. XL_ERROR() can be called to return the last error.