Current Product Retail Price List
Product Single
Full Development w/RT * 6.1.00 $ 425.00 $ 360.00
Full Run-time * 6.1.00 $ 200.00 $ 155.00
GIserver w/ Dev Tool Kit ** 6.0 $ 200.00 -
filePro GI Connections *** 6.0 $ 200.00 $ 200.00
fileProWeb/GI Connections **** 6.0 $ 200.00 $ 200.00
fP SQL 6.1.00 $ 395.00 $ 275.00
TCP Sockets 6.1.00 $ 495.00 $ 395.00
fP Transfer 6.1.00 $ 200.00 -
* Includes NIX client mySQL connectivity, Windows client ODBC connectivity, and XML tools
** GIserver is now supplied with the GI Developers Toolkit. Only one GIserver is required for an installation.
*** GIserver 6.0 requires filePro version 6.0 or greater.
**** fileProWeb requires version 6.1 filePro, 6.1 GIserver and a USP Contract

Note: All prices are per session based on total number purchased on a single invoice
with the exception of single (1) session licenses.
Example: Invoice with 1 Session FullDev and 25 Session FullRun Licenses is priced as:
1 Dev @ $ 425.00 and 25 RT @ $ 155.00 = $ 4300.00

filePro 6.1 Sample Upgrade Pricing From 6.0 From 5.8 From 5.7 and Earlier
Percentage of per Session Retail Prices Above    50 %    87.5 %    95 %
example: 5 Session 6.0 FullDev to 6.1 $ 900.00 $ 1575.00 $ 1710.00

fileProWeb & GI 6.0 Sample Upgrade Pricing 2.0 to 6.0 GI 3.0 to 6.0 GI
Percentage of per Session Retail Prices Above    66 %    33 %
example: GI 5 Connections Plus Server to 6.0 GI $ 792.00 $ 396.00
Sample 6.0 w/ Subscription Discount & Pricing
Discount on above upgrade example based on number of years paid USP fees.
Years Paid Credit % Credit Amount Net Cost
5 Session 6.0 FullDev to 6.1
4+ years 100.0 $ 900.00 $ .00
upgrade price of $ 900.00 3 years 75.0 $ 675.00 $ 225.00
  2 years 50.0 $ 450.00 $ 450.00
  1 year 25.0 $ 225.00 $ 675.00

Update Subscription Program Fees, Credits, and Details

Fees are based on Retail Price of your License times the rate of 12.5 %

Examples: Retail Price USP Annual Fee
5 session Development $ 1800.00 $ 225.00
25 session Run-time $ 3875.00 $ 484.38
1 session Development and 10 session Run-time $ 1975.00 $ 246.88

5 Connection fileProWeb $ 1200.00 $ 150.00

Changing platforms:
First upgrade to the current version, then pay a flat fee of $ 200.00

Supported versions are 6.0 and 6.1 - Current Release is - Update Subscription is - fileProWeb is V374

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