Product Listing

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filePro Plus® 6.1, the flagship product of fP Technologies, facilitates rapid development with screen, print, and form generators. It is a fourth generation database management tool with a menu driven application generator, all in one environment, providing the complete toolset needed for creating high quality, feature-rich applications.

Features and Specifications

Link to Recent Features

XLSX Documentation

Optional Update Subscription Program

fileProWeb® offers filePro Plus® users a Run-time browser web based interface and integration for end users with additional screen realestate, frames, pictures and so much more.

fileProWeb screen shots

fileProWeb ® License Agreement Form

fileProGI® offers filePro Plus® users a graphical Windows interface and integration with third party software including Microsoft Word, Corel Word Perfect, Microsoft Excel, etc. fileProGI® is a true Windows client that provides a runtime graphical interface to filePro® applications.
GI Demo Video

The fileProGI® Developer's Tool Kit is a one-time additional cost option to fileProGI® which allows developers to add more "Windows-like" features to their filePro® applications including sending files and commands between the server and the client workstations.

fPSQL® is an extremely powerful data extraction tool capable of pulling relational data from multiple filePro® databases utilizing common SQL commands and syntax.

fPruntime® allows you to deploy "runtime-only" versions of your filePro® applications to your users, eliminating the need to distribute the source code of those applications.

fPtransfer® is a simple module that allows you to move your filePro® applications from one platform to another in a single step.

Supported versions are 6.0 and 6.1 - Current Release is - Update Subscription is - fileProWeb is V387

© 2025  filePro ® is a Registered Trademark of fP Technologies of Ohio, Inc.
Ohio - Florida - New York - Indiana